2011 is right around the corner! I've always been a huge fan of the New Year- especially since I loathe and despise Christmas and the "holiday season." I'll be the first to admit I'm a bit of a Scrooge when this time of year rolls around. However with the new year on the horizon (5 days!!!!!) I can see through the fog to the light at the end of the tunnel. Give it to me already!
Setting new goals and starting over are a great incentive to, well... start over. If something isn't working change it. I'm also a huge fan of changing locations and seem to have started a trend of moving once a year. If it's not working- get out of there, and start fresh. There is also an underlying obsession of nesting that I have, which makes me oh-so-excited to move into a new place and set up shop- all in the hopes that this new location will bring new positive energy. I have a new job, a new diet, and I'm hoping things will start to fall naturally into place. (Please please please let my life fall into place!!! )
This year, my least favorite holiday (if you were paying attention- you would know the answer is Christmas), brought me an unexpected excitement- VEGANOMICON. That word looks incredibly daunting when written in all capitals- doesn't it? Daunting it is.
Goal: cook my way through VEGANOMICON.
Obviously I've been influenced by Julie and Julia, only one of my favorite movies in recent years- or year? How long has it been out? Basically for those of you who haven't brushed up on your chick flick movie titles- Julie and Julia (Amy Adams and Meryl Streep- best actress ever.... MAMA MIA!- oh sorry, did I just break out into song and dance? My bad....) a movie about a modern day New Yorker who cooks her way through the infamous Julia Child's cookbook- Mastering the Art of French Cooking.
The difference here, is that I would not be able to eat one darn thing in Julia Child's cookbook.... Beef bourguignon, calves feet, and steaming live lobsters aren't exactly my forte....
Veganomicon, obviously a vegan cookbook, will be my new obsession.
I've never been one for originality... Clearly writing a blog about cooking your way through a cookbook, was not my original idea- but its still super cool, right? Right.....? Meh....
Unlike in the movie- I will not be setting a date for completion, as my work schedule and minimum $ in the bank, will naturally inhibit my ability to complete this project in a timely matter. So, that being said:
Goal: cook my way through VEGANOMICON by the end of 2011- seems reasonable right?? Maybe I should go check to see how many recipes there are in there before I set that goal in stone.... Meh....
Now, all of that being said- I have yet to enlighten you on my cooking "skills"... or lack thereof. So what if I have to look up how to cook a potato, or the best way to cook zucchini.... Lately, I've been trying to master the art of making soup. As I've read, soup is one of the easiest things you can make- however I've continued to fail multiple times...
Improvisation hasn't seemed to have worked in my favor in the past- so maybe following a specific recipe, with detailed directions, can help me get on track. After all, who wants to admit they're a horrible cook?
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